If you are a virtual assistant, you need to try our light-weight task delegation software built around instant messenger.
Unlock the secret to inbox organisation and never
lose a task again!
No need to spend time copy-pasting tasks between a bunch of different tools and risk losing one of them.
Chat in the usual messenger. What is easier? No need to get used to a new tool and change habits.
You might use a task manager without sharing it. That’s understandable, your boss values his time and does not want things to be more complex than they are.
No computer installations – only a browser is needed. All data is encrypted and stored in the messenger, only you have access to it.
Be more efficient by automating delegation and workflow
We’ve designed a system which allows you to easily show a list of tasks, and their progress to your boss. And very soon you will discover that your boss uses the software too.
Now you do not need to scroll the chat to find task discussions or refresh agreements. Just one click on the task, and all the details are on the screen. It’s handy.
Here is how easy it is to create a task from a chat: turn messages into tasks instantly so you don’t miss anything. Details can be added later.
Forward the history of correspondence with the manager to a colleague so that they understand the background . There is no need to waste time on discussions and onboarding.
Here is a list of tasks you are working on, and tasks you finished: keep important tasks at the beginning of the inbox so you don’t lose sight of them throughout the day.
You can make additional properties if needed, such as deadlines, assignee, etc. Differentiate important and urgent tasks. Show your manager the tasks by priorities.
The product is currently in test mode. This means it is important for us to make sure that the product is put to good use, so that we have the opportunity to invite you for an interview to get your feedback in exchange for a reward.
The chat – task manager is secure and simple, it is optimised for VA work.
It is also free forever – try it now.
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