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The Best Business Tips and Tricks for Success

Kanbanchi App Team's reccomendations

Kanbanchi is the online project management, task management and collaboration app built for G Suite users. It offers a combination of Kanban board with a Gantt chart to support different workflows types. The app is very flexible and inherits the intuitive Google interface together with the principles of smooth collaboration and work transparency.

Our team is striving for success. With the help of some interesting business tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of future success very simply. The following are some of the easiest ideas that you could start using right away. How well could they help your company to go from strength to strength?

Six Business Tips from Kanbanchi for Your Success

Never Stop Looking for New Ideas

Even if you reach a certain level of success, you should never stop looking for fresh new ideas that could move your business on to the next level. Maybe you could break into a new market, use cutting edge technology or just take a different approach to what you have always done. The most successful businesses are always on the lookout for new ideas as well as for useful business tips and tricks that they can use. If you just stand still then you open yourself up to the risk of others overtaking you. You could use social media to look for new ideas and trends to latch onto. Consider using a social media tracking and monitoring tool such as Talkwalker to see what your customers and rivals are saying on social media about you and about the industry in general.

Don’t Take the Customer for Granted

It is easy to take customers for granted, especially if you never really see them or hear from them. If you have clients who have been with you for a long time then you might depend upon their fees without ever considering them in any other way. Yet, even long-established customers can decide to go elsewhere if they feel that they are not getting the level of service and attention that they deserve. Even if you don’t have anything, in particular, to say to them, you should still make them feel important by asking for their opinions, giving them special offers and generally staying in touch. Perhaps you could use a feedback tool like GetFeedback to find out what people really think of what you do. This is one of the most useful business tips and tricks around, as it could prove very effective in stopping customers from drifting away.

Be Positive and Think Big

Do you think big at work or do you limit your ambitions without even realising you are doing it? Many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of settling for what they have once they establish their business. However, it is entirely possible that by being positive and thinking big you could take some giant steps forward. Don’t let small-time thinking or negative thoughts hold you back in the future. If you want to find tools to help you think big then you could use something like the ScheduleOnce calendar management software to help you to schedule in meetings, presentations and other ways of growing the business.

Diversify Your Client Base

If you want your business to be a long term success then you can’t afford to rely on a small client base to get you there. Relying too much on one or two customers will mean that you are always at risk of suffering badly if you lose one of them. Ideally, you will have a wide-ranging client base covering different customers in a variety of industries and locations. In this way, you can protect yourself from being too seriously affected by problems in other companies, cities or industries. You may want to carry out some analysis to find out what areas you could move into. In this case, a tool you might be interested in is Usertlytics, as it lets you test your website and see what people who enter it really think about it.

Encourage Referrals

One of the keys to growing any business is to bring in as many referrals as possible. After all, if your customers are happy with you then why wouldn’t they be happy to pass on your details to others? We are sure they would! A big part of the way to encourage more referrals lies in changing your mindset. If you are sometimes shy or embarrassed about doing this then it is time to be more forceful in your quest for valuable referrals. So, what kind of tool should you look to use for doing this? Well, there are plenty of options out there. You might decide to go with something like the Geniusreferrals software to help you to reach out to far more people. With the help of these powerful business tips and tricks, you can look forward to a brighter future without making a huge effort.

Plan for the Future

Another of the best business tips and tricks is to always plan ahead. You don’t want to get caught on the hop by shifting market forces or by other issues that could have been foreseen and taken into account. By always keeping an eye on the future you can stay in control of your own destiny at all times. On the other hand, the risk of not doing this is that you could be forced into making panicked decisions at the last minute if you get caught out by changes. A smart move is to use a workflow tool such as Kanbanchi to make it easy to keep track of your projects and to collaborate with your team on your plans.

Why Kanbanchi?

Kanbanchi has a very strong integration with Google Drive and is a part of the Google ecosystem. So, you no longer have to waste time and energy searching because you’ve found the exact tool that you need and will like. It complements G Suite perfectly.

Built-into the Google ecosystem

Kanbanchi requires no more than your Google account to sign up and log in.

Google Drive integration

Helps you to collaborate on your tasks with your colleagues as easy as you share files with them.

Google Calendar integration

Allows you to set up reminders in your familiar way (not mentioning the in-app notifications).

Easy deployment for big companies

As easy as a pie: just one click in the G Suite admin panel.

Intuitive and familiar interface

Helps you to start using the app right almost without any learning curve.

Friendly and available support

Provides a solution to any issue (if you will ever have them).

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