Group Project Website Ideas and Other Ways to Help a New Team Grow
Starting up a new team and growing it provides one of the biggest challenges in the business world. Yet, by following the right steps you can do this by using the likes of a group project website and other smart ideas that take your team forward in the way that you hope to see.
Set Tough but Achievable Goals and Track Them
No matter how well your team members work together, you will still want to track their progress. The best way to get started on this is by agreeing on goals that are tough but achievable. These goals should be agreed upon with them and written down.
You can track their progress at every review, whether it is carried out on a virtual or face-to-face basis. Some sources suggest that we are over 40% more likely to achieve goals that are written down when compared to others that aren’t written down. Sharing them with others is another step that can help anyone to have a better chance of meeting their goals.
Bear in mind that these goals can also help a worker to see how their tasks fit in with the company’s overall aims and values. This survey suggests that only a little over a fifth of companies contain more than 60% of employees who understand their core values. Having individual targets that fit in with the overall plans makes sense, especially for a new team.
Create a Development Plan for Each Person
Everyone in your team will have their own ideas about what they want in the future, and working out what they each have in mind is one of the keys to getting the best out of them. A good starting point here is with the creation of a personal development plan. It is something that you should do together with them.
The goals that we just looked at could be a big part of this development plan, but there is more to it than that. You should also consider the type of training that will take them in the right direction and whether they could benefit from working closely with a mentor.
It is then a question of seeing how they progress in terms of unlocking their potential. A new team usually gives lots of opportunities for ambitious people to gain promotion, but it is important to allow them time to become ready for moving up to new, more demanding roles.
It is also a good idea to have an idea who could step into each role if it becomes vacant in the near future. In this way, you can be confident of being able to fill in any gaps in the team that crop up as some members are promoted and others perhaps leave to seek fresh opportunities elsewhere.
Trust Them to Handle New Projects
One of the factors that can hold back the growth of a new team is the lack of confidence that the managers show. It can be difficult to take the next step and allow them the freedom to do their jobs, but at some point, this needs to be done.
A lot of the risk can be taken out of this transition by ensuring that any gaps in their skills are identified and the correct training given to fill them in. Another important step is in identifying how they will report their progress and allow their managers to assess the work on an ongoing basis.
Use the Right Tools
The right tools can help any team to grow and improve. They can make it easier to hold more productive team meetings, organize your workflow and keep the tasks on track. Naturally, the exact needs you have will be determined by the type of business you are in.
For instance, a sales conversion team will need to track leads carefully while marketing teams will be looking for the right tools to reach out to potential new clients through email campaigns and other ideas. The use of good tools will let the team fulfil its potential by letting them focus on their main tasks without losing any time.
What to Look for in a Group Project Website?
For the purposes of this article, we can call a group project website any place where you find the tools or information that you need for your team to work together more easily on projects. With more teams than ever before now working on a remote basis, it has become increasingly important for companies to discover ways of collaborating smoothly.
One of the most popular options in this respect is Google Workspace, which offers a wide selection of tools that will be instantly familiar to many users. The way that colleagues can share documents as they edit and set up calls without leaving the suite of tools makes it a powerful, flexible way of working together.
Yet, the one thing that the Google option lacks is a tool for managing the tasks on a project, which can be a hassle for the team as they may have to exit Workspace to enter a different tool or else complete a manual workaround.
Kanbanchi is the best group project website to fill this gap, as it gives you task management and project management tool that snugly integrates with Workspace. In this way, you can control all of your tasks on the tool’s intuitive interface while using the Google tool for everything else.
There are many solid, dependable ways of growing a new team that have been proven time and time again in different industries. By putting the emphasis on personal development and providing the right tools such as Google Workspace and Kanbanchi for the team to use, you can look forward to a brighter future with a team that grows and improves over time.