How to protect range in Google Sheets

If you work with Google Sheets and have to collaborate with other people, there are going to be times when making sure they don’t edit certain parts of spreadsheets might come in handy. To make sure they don’t break the spreadsheets, you worked so hard on. You can restrict the parts they can edit with Protect range in Google Sheets.

It is especially useful to block ranges in spreadsheets where many people have to insert data and where you have formulas.

To protect the range, select it, right-click, View more cell actions, and Protect range.


Creating a description for your range is optional.


When you click Set permissions, you can choose if only your or other people can edit this range.


You can still allow everyone to edit the range but instead show a warning message before they can do it. That way, they still have the same editing access, but you make sure they know they are changing an important cell when they do it.

Watch how to protect range in Google Sheets

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More Google Workspace tips from Kanbanchi.

Also read: How to create charts in Google Sheets?

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