Kanbanchi new features: checklist enhancements, resizable property panel, card highlights

In this video I want to go through some of new features we’ve introduced with the latest release.

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Let’s start with checklist enhancements.

To create a checklist simply click on a card and then add a few items.

Now you can re-arrange checklist items by using drag-n-drop.

URLs within the checklist items now convert into hyperlinks, the same way as they do on cards.

You can also add item weight, and this will be taken into consideration when progress is shown. You can see that even though I’ve selected just one item out of free, it shows 50% completed – this is because I’ve set the value of that checked item to two.

As with checklist items you can now re-order assigned people and attachments.

The properties panel can now be resized.

And finally you will get highlights on a card, if somebody is editing it, and even see their name. This should prevent you from modifying a card that somebody else is working on.

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