Can emails be automatically forwarded as cards to my Kanbanchi board?

Yes, you may configure it via Google Script.

Go to

Click start +New project.

Erase the content and paste the code from this document.

Replace the value of const recipient = in row 8 with your board email.

Save the project.

Click Triggers in the left-side panel.

Set a trigger with the following settings and click Save:

Go to Gmail and create a label for all new emails that you want to be forwarded to Kanbanchi.

Click +Create new label.

Enter toKanbanchi as a name and click Create.

Choose the label on the left-side panel and click the filter icon.

Choose Inbox in the Search field if you want all new emails to be forwarded or set up your custom filter. Click Create filter. Tick Apply the label option and choose toKanbanchi in the drop-down.

Now all inbox emails will be automatically forwarded to your Kanbanchi board.

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