How do I pin a checklist to a card?

In case you need checklist items to be displayed on a card you may pin a checklist to a card. To do it open the card and go to the Checklists section. If the card has no checklist, please create it. Find the pin icon next to the checklist title and click it.

The order in which the items will be displayed on the card will depend on the sorting setting. If the Hide done items setting is enabled, the done items won’t be displayed on the card.

Please, note: the weight indicator won’t be reflected on the card if it equals 1 for all the items. However, if there is at least one item with a weight of more than 1 in the checklist, the weight indicator will be reflected on the card.

You may check items as done right on the card without opening it.

To unpin the checklist from the card, open the card again and click .

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