Is Kanbanchi Better than Trello? Kanbanchi vs Trello

We’re often asked to compare Kanbanchi vs Trello. Let us be honest with you and provide you with a comparison that you may trust. It will include features, pricing, levels of integrations, support, and more. Let’s get started! 😉

Kanbanchi features vs Trello features

Both Kanbanchi and Trello in their basic form are online kanban boards. Lists and cards, checklists and sub-cards, set of visible properties that you may add to your cards for categorizing and filtering. If you are a free user you won’t probably feel any difference. But if you are looking for more advanced functionality, then you will be interested to compare them all.

Gantt chart synchronized with the Kanban board

Both Trello and Kanbanchi boards may be transformed into Gantt charts. However, in Trello, the process seems to be not so obvious and easy. Depending on your plan, you may add a TeamGantt power-up to your board or use a simple Gantt chart form called Timeline. This simple version is only available under the Premium subscription. If you decide to go for a power-up, you will need to have a separate account for TeamGantt because it’s a separate application, not native from Atlassian (Trello’s parent company).

Kanbanchi has good news for you! It’s much more easy and clear in our app.

  • Kanbanchi has a native in-built Gantt chart tool that is part of the application
  • You may switch to the Gantt chart with one click
  • Your Kanban board is synchronized with your Gantt chart
  • You need just one Google account to get both tools
  • And finally, you just need to have a Professional plan, no add-ons, no additional payments

Trello’s timeline looks like a calendar and will work well for people who are used to schedule with the help of different calendars. Unfortunately, it can’t be called a Gantt chart because you won’t be able to add dependencies between cards or add milestones. Nevertheless, if you have simple projects, a Timeline may substitute the Gantt chart for you. Though we noticed that it’s tricky with tasks that are overdue. Nothing obviously indicating that they are overdue, you always need to pay attention to the present date.

Overdue tasks on Trello’s Timeline. Pay attention it’s Wednesday, 13 October.

Overdue tasks on Kanbanchi’s Gantt chart. Quickly understand what’s not done.

Note: Gantt chart works even with Kanbanchi’s free plan. You are limited in the number of cards, not the tools you use.

Checklist progress more visual

Small differences in the UI sometimes make a huge difference in day-to-day usage. This is one of the cases that prove it. Checklists are meant to make tasks for you more understandable and give you a visual path that you take to perform a complex task. You would also want to see the progress that you make on this path, wouldn’t you?

Both Kanbanchi and Trello have checklists but to be able to see your progress, in Trello you will have to open each card, one by one to see the progress. Kanbanchi will give you the ability to see the progress of each task at the same time. This is how you understand how your whole project is progressing.

Either open each card or calculate the progress from the numbers on cards in Trello

Checklist progress influences the task progress and is reflected on cards in Kanbanchi. The most important tasks may have pinned checklists on cards that represent them

Subcards as part of the app

It’s curious but Trello doesn’t have subcards as part of the application. Subcard-Epic relations may be set for Trello cards with the help of a power-up called Hello Epics. This is a third-party app not controlled by Trello. Kanbanchi has subcards as part of the Kanban board. They are available starting with the most basic and cheapest Premium plan.

UX/UI comparison

Comparing two applications, it’s no secret that Trello is more widely used across countries and industries. However, the interface of Trello boards is not exactly what the business needs. Trello free version provides a set of powerful tools that will provide good support for personal tasks, scheduling school work, or personal event planning.

Kanbanchi has a more business-focused UI highlighting the most important points in projects. Having one application with all the tools that are needed and provided by one company is much more beneficial for large organizations when their data security is a great concern.

Kanbanchi pricing vs Trello pricing

It’s totally wrong just to compare prices for the sake of comparing pricing. What will you understand if know that Trello’s Standard plan is $5 and Kanbanchi’s Professional plan is $33.97? Would you consider Trello to be cheaper? Or if you know that Trello’s Enterprise plan is $17.50 and Kanbanchi’s Premium plan is $13.97? Would you change your mind? Surely not! You will want to compare what you get for the price.



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Seamless integration with Google Workspace

This is a core difference between Kanbanchi and Trello. Kanbanchi lives and works inside of your Google Drive, all the information is stored there. Trello has its own servers to store data and therefore limits the volume of data storage for its users. It may be not the only obstacle to using Trello. Data security-sensitive organizations may have restrictions on uploading files to third-party apps. Kanbanchi eliminates this problem for companies that use Google Workspace. All your files stay in your Google Drive at the same time connected to project boards.

Another great benefit of the integration is that you will have no other login and password than your Google account. Sign up with your Google account and use it to log in and work.

Other benefits of seamless Google Workspace integration include:

  • Attaching files from your Drive/Shared Drives to Kanbanchi boards in just a second;
  • Adding tasks to your Google calendar and any Google calendar that you have access to;
  • Having similar familiar and intuitive interface;
  • Converting emails to tasks from within your Gmail (including mobile Gmail);
  • Creating tasks from Google Forms;
  • Inheriting access permissions from your Drive settings the same way it works for all other files in your Google Drive;
  • Exporting boards data to Google Spreadsheets. Later you may use them for various purposes;
  • Creating custom reports out of exported Spreadsheets using Google Data Studio.

Learn more about Kanbanchi as a project management tool inside Google Workspace



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Customer care and support matters

We have come to the most underestimated point when choosing apps. Our internal survey shows that only 1.96% of newcomers list support as an important factor when choosing the app. The leading factor is the ease of use with a 40.2% score which is totally understandable.

Results of the survey for new users of Kanbanchi performed in 2021

There’s a sense when people say “I won’t need any support if the app is easy to use and I can figure it out on my own”. However, sometimes fails do happen even with the best performers (hello, Twitch data breach a week ago). Also, customer support is not only needed when you don’t understand some feature but rather to help you to start better equipped, with more knowledge, with more tools. That’s why you will definitely start paying attention to the level of support when you actually start using the app.

There’s a huge difference in the support team approach in a global company like Atlassian, they own many products and have millions of customers. You will become just another one. While Kanbanchi’s support team listens to each and every customer and enhances the app according to your needs. Not mentioning how fast we reply to chat messages 😉



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