Why Kanbanchi asks for permissions?

Kanbanchi is integrated with G Suite. That means that there’s an ongoing exchange happening – information flows from your Google account to Kanbanchi and backward, for you to always be up-to-date 🙂

Upon signup, Kanbanchi will ask only for essential permissions to create you as a user and get Kanbanchi going:


Kanbanchi has access toPermissionWhy needed?
Basic account informationAssociate you with your personal info on Google;

See your personal info, including any personal info you’ve made publicly available;

See your primary Google Account email address

To create you as a user in Kanbanchi.
Google DriveConnect itself to your Google DriveTo add the creation of Kanbanchi boards to the + New button in Google Drive.
Google DriveSee, edit, create and delete only the specific files that you use with this appTo create a Kanbanchi folder in your Google Drive for storing boards, attachments, and backups.


Please, make sure to tick all the checkboxes upon signup.


Along the way, as you continue using the app, Kanbanchi will ask you to give permissions to access other parts of your Google account, namely:


Kanbanchi has access toPermissionWhy needed?
Google DriveView and manage the files in your Google DriveTo attach files from Google Drive.

Kanbanchi needs permission to see the list of your Shared Drives.

Google DocsView and manage your spreadsheets in Google DriveTo export board and time data from Kanbanchi to Google Sheets.
Google CalendarsManage your calendarsTo push dates from Kanbanchi to Google Drive.



Don’t worry; when you give Kanbanchi permissions, it is absolutely safe. We will only collect and use personal data in ways that are described in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, in a manner that is consistent with our obligations and your rights under any applicable law.

Learn more about how Kanbanchu stores and uses your data.

Watch a video about permissions:

To see a video demo of all of Kanbanchi's features right here, please, accept functionality cookies.

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