What is a Task Board?
A task board is a perfect solution for those who are tired of plain to-do lists and want to have all their workflow visualized. Task boards are universal, applicable to every area of business or life. We face task boards every day, actually, without maybe realising that this is it.
What Is a Task Board?
A task board is an instrument that teams and companies use to organize their work and visualize the path that they need to go to achieve results, complete tasks, etc. Usually, this board has some form of organizing those tasks, like columns or lists, calendar or timeline. A common way for online apps nowadays is to represent each task in a form of a card with different settings that you may modify to be able to prioritize and sort your cards and collaborate with the team members.
The most simple form of a task board is a well-known to-do list. Serving well enough to individuals, it may not be enough for teams, that’s why more complex task boards are well-spread across companies. Whether your team is doing construction, development or accounting, you might want to use a task board to track tasks and see the progress.
A task board helps the team stay on the same page and work smarter.
Types of Task Boards
The most widespread is a simple kanban board with three lists: To Do, Doing, and Done. These are general stages that all the tasks will go through. Starting with that, you may adjust it to your workflow by creating more lists in between To Do and Done. Another popular way of using basic task boards is to name lists after periods of time: Months, Weeks. In this case, you will see all tasks that your team needs to complete during these periods.
The proliferation of task boards during the past 10 years made it undoubtful that online task boards are a great support for companies, especially for distributed teams that have their employees in different time zones. Boards consolidate all the information about projects so that they become the main platform for teams to collaborate. Any time each team member may log in and catch up with the board. They will find all the necessary information to perform their work in the best possible way. The option to break complex tasks into several subtasks without losing the ability to easily track all of them in one place, or tracking relations between them, is another huge advantage oа online task boards.
Why Use a Task Board?
A task board will help you to
- Visualize workflows and manage projects easily – A task board stores all the information about your project, and you don’t need to search for it and ask questions to team members all the time.
- Increase team effectiveness and production – Once the task is done, you don’t just through it away and start another one. You have gained some experience, you have a foundation on which you will build your future work. And it leads you to the precious process of continuous improvement.
- Always stay updated on the process – A task board is meant for collaboration, it provides space for teams where they record all their activities. Looking at the board, you will get a clear picture of what is going on on a project.
- Meet the deadlines – Tasks are time-sensitive, therefore you need to clearly identify deadlines and communicate them to team members. A task board will become a great tool for that since all the deadlines are visible and are all in one place.
- Reduce time and resource waste – When you use a task board, you are always aware of which tasks consume more resource (time or human), you are always able to make a shift in a project and reduce waste.
Who Uses Task Boards?
It won’t be an exaggeration to say that everyone has ever used a task board. At least we all have calendars on our smartphones. Have you ever used it?
There are various apps on the market. Kanbanchi is unique in its kind because it has tight integration with Google Workspace.